Let's learn some competition field tactics!


Navigating around obstacles is a key to success on the robotics competition field.

Can you list all the movements you think your Driving Base should be able do?

Build a Practice Driving Base.


This is a simple but effective way to learn some field tactics:

  • A Practice Driving Base

If you have time, build your own design.

Try these programming stacks one after the other.

SPIKE Competition Ready Training camp 1 Step03-Program - en-us

What do you see?

Change the values of each block’s parameters and see what happens.

Make your Driving Base move in a square.


Pick actions from the stacks that are already on the Programming Canvas.

Use a repeat Loop in your program.

What action do you need to repeat to make your Driving Base to move in a square?

Here’s an example:

SPIKE Competition Ready Training camp 1 Step04-Hint - en-us

Time for a field tactics challenge!


Place 8 colored bricks on a surface and use your programming skills to cross the “field” without touching the bricks.

Develop your programming skills by writing the pseudocode first.

For example:

  • Move forward to "this point"
  • Turn of about 45 degrees
  • Move backward "a little"

This list is called pseudocode.

How did you do?


Think about what you did well and what you could’ve done better.

Great start on avoiding obstacles!